Seamlessly Integrated SAP SuccessFactors with an Advanced LMS for an IT Powerhouse

about the project

This case study highlights a significant project undertaken by Invezza, a leading technology solutions provider, in the realm of Learning Management Systems (LMS) for a prominent player in the Information Technology sector.

About the Client

Our client, a distinguished information technology services provider with a global presence, was seeking to enhance their employee learning and development initiatives. Their dedicated learning and development department aimed to create a robust platform that enabled employees to devise personalized learning paths, access insightful data analytics related to training programs, and facilitate seamless knowledge exchange among peers. Additionally, the client sought a secure authentication process through their HR portal and sought integration capabilities with Successfactors, a vital HR management system.

Industry type

Information Technology

project Duration

9 Months


App Development, Cloud & DevOps, Quality Assurance

How we made it happen

In response to the client’s aspirations, Invezza meticulously executed a systematic approach to ensure the successful realization of their vision:

Requirements Elicitation: Engaging in comprehensive dialogues with the client, we delved into the intricacies of their processes and meticulously documented specific requirements.

Detailed Technical Discussions & Schema Study: In-depth technical discussions facilitated a profound comprehension of the client’s expectations. By studying the existing schema, we ensured alignment with our proposed solution.

Visual Design Creation: Adhering to the client’s distinctive style guide, we crafted captivating visual designs that resulted in an exceptionally user-friendly and engaging LMS portal.

Integration with SAP Successfactors: Seamlessly connecting the LMS portal with SAP Successfactors, we achieved flawless synchronization of training data, a vital feature of the project.

App Development & Testing: Capitalizing on our expertise in application development, we brought the LMS portal to life, prioritizing robustness and security. Rigorous performance and security testing were instrumental in delivering an optimally functional product.

How Invezza Made a Difference

  • Empowered Learning: With the newly developed LMS portal, employees gained the autonomy to tailor their learning journeys, fostering a culture of self-driven development.
  • Data-Driven Insights: The integration of advanced data analytics provided the client with actionable insights into training programs’ effectiveness, enabling informed decision-making.
  • Enhanced Knowledge Sharing: Facilitating seamless knowledge exchange among colleagues, the portal acted as a hub for collaborative learning and idea-sharing.
  • Effortless Authentication & Integration: The integration with the HR portal and Successfactors streamlined authentication processes and ensured cohesive management of training data.
  • Technological Excellence: Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Angular JS for the frontend and PHP Drupal CMS for the backend, the solution was agile, high-performing, and adaptable.
  • Seamless Cloud Deployment: The utilization of AWS EC2 instances, RDS, and S3 Bucket ensured efficient hosting and storage, guaranteeing a reliable and scalable LMS portal.

In conclusion, Invezza’s partnership with the prominent IT services provider resulted in a transformative Learning Management System, enhancing employee development, data-driven decision-making, and collaborative learning within the organization. This successful collaboration showcases Invezza’s commitment to technological innovation and client-centric solutions in the dynamic landscape of the Information Technology industry.

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