Streamlining Physician Payments for a Healthcare Technology Company

about the project

These project has four primary custom software platforms that are offered as a Software as a Service (SaaS) model. This application provides an integrated physician time tracking software and contract lifecycle management solution for hospitals.

About the Client

A healthcare technology company specializing in physician payment automation for hospitals. Their mission is to simplify the payment process, enhance physician satisfaction, and reduce administrative burden.

Industry type


project Duration

13 Months


Product Engineering, App Development, Cloud & DevOps, Quality Assurance

tech stack

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Client Requirements

  • Contract management: Create customized contracts for various physician arrangements, from independent contractors to full-time employees.
  • Time tracking and duty management: Allow physicians to log time spent on different duties and track progress against contract terms.
  • Automated payment calculations: Calculate payments based on contracts, time logs, and shared payment scenarios.
  • Reporting and auditing: Generate comprehensive reports for hospitals and physicians to track payments, identify trends, and ensure compliance.
  • Customization: Tailor the workflow to accommodate specific hospital policies and procedures.

How We Made It Happen

Approach we followed

  • Detailed analysis: Analyzed different physician arrangements, payment structures, and hospital workflows to understand the client’s unique needs.
  • User-centric design: Created a SaaS-based application with intuitive interfaces for administrators, physicians, and other stakeholders.
  • Flexible architecture: Developed a modular system that enables customization and future enhancements based on evolving requirements.

and successfully implemented the technical solution as below

  • 8+ user roles: Admins, physicians, approvers, auditors, and more provide granular access control and personalized experiences.
  • Customizable contracts: A powerful contract editor allows creating and managing diverse physician arrangements with complex rules and payment structures.
  • Shared payment process: Physicians working on the same project can easily split their earnings based on pre-defined agreements.
  • Physician portal: A dedicated portal empowers physicians to track their duties, log time, submit hours, and review payment details.
  • Hospital-specific workflows: We tailored the payment flow to integrate seamlessly with existing hospital systems and processes.
  • Comprehensive reports: Generate reports on allocated duties, time tracking, bonus payments, allowances, leaves, and overall payment distribution.

How Invezza Made a Difference

  • Increased efficiency: Reduced manual tasks by automating routine payment calculations and reports, saving hospitals and physicians significant time and effort.
  • Improved accuracy: Automated calculations eliminated human errors in payroll, ensuring accurate and timely payments.
  • Enhanced transparency: Physicians and hospitals have real-time access to data, fostering trust and communication.
  • Reduced compliance risk: Streamlined processes and audit trails mitigate compliance risks and ensure regulatory adherence.
  • Boost in physician satisfaction: Faster, more predictable payments improve physician morale and loyalty, leading to reduced turnover and better patient care.

This case study exemplifies the transformative power of technology in the healthcare industry. By automating physician payments, we helped our client significantly improve efficiency, transparency, and satisfaction for both hospitals and physicians, ultimately contributing to better patient care.

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